Sunday, September 30, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jobs on a aircraft carrier (Language: Chinese)

Google Ocean

With a mission to "deliver a more complete picture of the Earth," as William Van Lancker put it back in January, Google Maps has turned to mapping what's below sea level. This week they pulled the wraps off of their "underwater Street View" shots of barrier reefs in Australia, the Philippines and Hawaii, with more to come.
You can mess around with some of the panoramas here. As someone barred from scuba diving due to an inner ear injury, I found these shots, which I will never get to see in person, just breathtaking.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

the journey of sebastian errazuriz

Monash University - Microsoft Tech Lounge

Lego Bird Man

Friday, September 21, 2012

MTV "Download Bar"

'MTV download bar' by patrick ackmann

created as part of a large-scale print advertising campaign for MTV europe, 'download bar' exhibits a typicalonline download bar, composed entirely of figures of music supporters and musicians. the project was developedby german designer patrick ackmann with advertising agency oglivy & mather, under the creative direction ofstephan vogel, matthias storath, helmut meyer. the scenario showcases the fans pushing their musical heroesinto a corner, a metaphorical depiction of the problems faced as a result of illegal downloads.