Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monash_S1 2011_3D_Week 02

Week 02

*  Teaching and Learning Strategies          
*  Assignment and Assessment               
*  Extra addon & Routine Schedule                
*  Case Studies                            
*  Afterhour Tasks (Practice and Research) 
Extra addon:
- Show Manipulator Tool (squash / bend)

- Basic Facial Animation
  Animation: Create Deformers - Blend Shape
  Window; Animation Editor - Blend Shape
  * Blend shape workflow integration

- More Set Driven Key practice

The most common shortcut:

* Edit - Transfer Attribute Values
  (Do not use Freeze Tranformation Tool before use this function)

* Display - Transform Display - Scale Pivots
* Display - Transform Display - Selection Handle
  F8 Select by component type - selection handle

Assets, Camera, Navigation and Parameters Management

View: Camera Settings: Resolution Gate
view: Camera Settings: Gate Mask 
View: Camera Attribute Editor : Far clip plane

"Shift + d" with poly models
"Shift + d" with NURBS models

Normal / Center Display
Attribute Editor window - Mesh Component Display
X - Display Center
X - Display Normal   

Snapshoot + Render Region
Save and Compare rendering


Polygon Manupulation

Transfer Attribute Values
Edit - Transfer Attribute Values
(Do not use Freeze Tranformation Tool before use this function)  

Move Settings
Tool Settings - Object/ Local/ World
Marking Menu with [h][w][e][r]

Modify - snap together tool 

Select continuous edges and extrude edges

Soft Selection + Animation:Create Deformers: Lattice

Duplicate objects
Scale [-1] (Pivot Point)

Polygons: Edit Mesh : Offset edge tool

Ctrl + h: hide objects

Edit Mesh - Keep Faces Together

NURBS Manipulation

Curve points (Shift - put multiple curve points)
Detach curves (Keep original option)

Layer Editor trick (Layout)

Position Multiple Isoparm
Detach NURBS surface by using Isoparms
Loft Isoparm

Curve and Rebuils Curves
Surfaces: Edit Curves - Rebuild curve

Loft tips (e.g. Engine Shell)
Channel Box: close : on

Layout Management
side-by-Side layout for NURBS Curves and NURBS Surfaces

Offset NURBS Surfaces
Offset Isoparms
Edit Curves:Offset:Offset Curve

Curve projection + Trim operation
Edit NURBS - Project Curve on Surface
Edit NURBS - Trim Tool
* Duplicate Surface with projection for windows

Illustrator Design Integration

Dingbat fonts Integration (ctrl + shift + o)
Create Reference Objects

1. Create high and low resoluion models with specific naming convention (e.g. 2907_kai_car_hi)
   and save them into seperate files
2. Create a new file (by Director for Group Collaboration Project)
3. File - create reference - option box
4. File - Reference Editor

Proxy Objects
1: Proxy - add proxy
2: Reload Proxy as xxxx

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