Thursday, August 18, 2011

DGTL11004: Digital Design and Communication_SamWu (S0190181)

The avatar is a guy who sits on the bench in the park. He is taking a rest; the weather is very nice and blue but not sunny. It is the best weather to have rest in the park. He is struggling with the work and school assignments, he feels very tired about life.  When he has a rest on the bench in the park, he realizes there are lots of beautiful thing around him in his lift. The idea of create this character is to cheer up some friends who are in a bad mood or in a tough life. There are many layers of this character body; it has to create in order with different layer. It cannot be draw with pencil tool, I use pen tool to draw. The good of using pen is, it will have more sharps that I can create for but it is very difficult to control.

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